You should probably know you have someone on this side" helping you. A lot. Besides me, The UniverseIf you wish to receive free daily messages like this from the Universe, go to this web
You'll know when you need to know, and not a moment earlier. That's how it works when the answer you're looking for depends on other events that must first settle, new players that need to be gathered, and serendipities that are still being calculated.Sometimes, not even I know, until I know. But you will, The UniverseIf you wish to receive free daily messages like this from the Universe , go to this web site:
I look forward to assisting you on your path. Its my path too! My Fall courses are all helpful to create momentum in your life and keep it going. Check them out! 705-734-0107
Invest in your self. You are worth it! Don't waste another minute procrastinating! Grab the bull by the horns! Declare your intentions! Set the stage for your own growth, your own movement, your LIFE! Call me for course times and appointment times: 705-734-0107
Find out why everyone, including you, is breathing shallow most of the time. Find out what happens when you change that. Read BREATHE an enlightened living hand book and sign up for one of the BREATHE work shops available in Barrie this Fall in Oct & Nov. There are two ways to do it. Call 705-734-0107 for more information. Thank you.