About Us

About Us
What happens when you find something special that you are passionate about? You just have to share it with the World!That’s what everything maple & more is all about.
What happens when you find something that you are so passionate about, you just have to share it with the world? That’s what Everything Maple & More located in Waubaushene, Ontario is all about. We are passionate about maple. Canada produces over 85% of all of the world’s maple syrup. It’s a part of our heritage. So, it’s only natural that we’d want to find new ways of using it. That’s what we do! We make sustainable, renewable, close to home products based on pure maple syrup. Everything Maple and More grew from the Orillia-based Moore’s Maple—The Syrup Guy business . As a former caterer, and chocolatier, Tracy knew she’d have fun with maple. In 2002, Everything Maple’s Barbeque Sauce was born. With just the right balance of terrific spices, garlic, tomato and a wholesome serving of 40% real maple, we knew we had a hit! Tracy took it on the road, and catered meals of Barbequed Beef, whole turkeys, & ribs slathered in the stuff, and wonder of wonders, others thought it was terrific too! We threw it into a bottle, and have been going ever since.

The pursuit of good health has forced many of us to take a closer look at what we are eating. Pure Maple Syrup has fewer calories than sugar or honey, more calcium per gram than milk, more antioxidants than green tea or broccoli, and has minerals and is all natural, with no fat. This inspired us to make our line-up of over 170 products, naturally delicious. We choose only the finest and freshest ingredients for our premium gourmet products which proudly promote our Canadian Heritage. These products are made with love and care and are a way of nurturing your family. They make ordinary, extraordinary, and add class to any meal. After all, as Tracy would say “ it’s Maple; what’s not to love!” You can find us at info@everythingmaple.ca . Our store is located just west of Waubaushene at 1957 Gervais Rd, (right before Victoria Harbour) 705-294-0811
Fun Fact: Did you know it takes about 40 gallons of sap to make one gallon of syrup? That’s the equivalent of 1,642,233 drops!