Experior Financial Group Inc. Michael Smith in Barrie
On August 03 at 2:16 PM
Life insurance is the LAST thing people want to talk about, but it's the FIRST thing people check for when a loved one dies. My JOB is to ask you about life insurance. Please DON'T make it my job to tell your family you didn't have any.
#insurance #lifeinsurance #criticalillnessinsurance #disabilityinsurance #healthinsurance #dentalinsurance #travelinsurance #gauranteedissue #keypersoninsurance #buysellagreements #loanprotection #supervisainsurance #childrensinsurance #personalinsurance #businessinsurance

Experior Financial Group Inc. Michael Smith in Barrie
On August 03 at 2:16 PM
Today, Wednesday August 2nd, I will be at Rooted in Midland, Ontario. 349 King Street, Unit 4 (behind Mr Sub). Pop on by and let's chit chat over a coffee. Let's get rooted at Rooted.

Experior Financial Group Inc. Michael Smith in Barrie
On July 28 at 9:54 AM
This coming Wednesday August 2nd I will be at Rooted in Midland, Ontario. 349 King Street, Unit 4 (behind Mr Sub). Pop on by and let's chit chat over a coffee. Let's get rooted at Rooted.

Experior Financial Group Inc. Michael Smith in Barrie
On July 27 at 8:03 AM
Complementary Financial Needs Analysis? Scan the QR code to take the survey. Did you know there are many times in life when it is advised to sit down, put pen to paper, and review your insurances and investments? Most especially your insurances?
- Graduating
- New Career / Job
- Marriage
- Birth of a Child
- Homeownership
- Divorce / New Marriage
- Changing Careers
- Starting a Business
- New Pet
- Travel
- Death of a Family Member
- Death of a Business Partner
- Down Sizing

Whatever your responsibilities and needs we can work together. Live in Ontario? We can meet in person or over zoom. Email msmith@experiorfinancial.ca

#ExperiorFinancialGroup #MichaelSmith #financialplanning #financialcoach #financialsolutions #ontario #lifeinsurance #insurance #businesssolutions #simcoecounty #midland #wasagabeach #barrie #collingwood #owensound #parrysound #free #complimentary #changeoflife #moving #career #newborn #buy/sell #healthbenefits #debt #debtsolutions #tax #taxstrategies #team

Experior Financial Group Inc. Michael Smith in Barrie
On July 20 at 9:38 AM
Financial pressure building on several fronts for Canadians as Bank of Canada decision looms, poll finds.

Having exhausted their savings, Canadians are now struggling on a series of financial fronts, according to latest reading from an ongoing poll that is being released on the eve of the Bank of Canada's interest rate decision.

Read the Financial Post article here: https://tinyurl.com/mryme4hr

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