A unique approach to law...At JMS Law we distill our unique, enlighten, philosophy, into our practice. This creates an environment that fosters fairness and helps meet the needs of both parties during negotiations. Call now to learn more! 705-797-2681
Wholistic Family Law, a healthy alternative to negotiations. Our philosophy is inclusion, acceptance, compassion and mindfulness. More importantly, we practice the principles of love, self-awareness and accountability to oneself, and those around us. This alternative approach to conflict resolution encourages those who work with JMS to practice this whenever possible, recognizing that we are all a work in progress. Call today! 705-797-2681
“I am at peace and I let it go. I am in bliss.” – Joanna Shaw’s Mantra. Joanna brings her mantra’s peaceful philosophy and her compassion to her legal coaching, and practice in general. Call now! 705-797-2681