About Us

I have experience as a nurse, I am passionate about helping people feel better, both emotionally and physically. I love to educate people about alternative options for health, pain management and helping people be more proactive, rather than reactive with regards to their health.
There are some great alternative holistic solutions for better health and I have found Young Living Essential Oils to be one of them. Essential oils have been around since 2000 B.C. and used initially by ancient Egyptians.
Young Living is in fact, the leader in this industry and has really set the standard for producing the purest essential oils. Their unique proprietary process focuses on the five key requirements for the production of quality, authentic essential oils and products infused with essential oils. Young Living has a “Seed to Seal” guarantee which means that each bottle of their essential oil, has undergone rigorous quality control, from the moment the seeds are picked from their very own farm fields, to the moment that bottle is sealed, delivering essential oils precisely the way nature intended.
The Young Living Essential Oil farms exist all over the world. Their main farm is located in Salt Lake City, Utah.
This company allows anyone to visit their farms and their distillery. In fact, visitors can go and actually watch the herbs growing in the fields, then being taken through the distillation process. Each bottle is sent to the lab, tested and goes through a very strict approval process.
Essential oils have made a world of difference in my life. I know first-hand how effective essential oils are at relieving my chronic pain, as a result of having two car accidents.
In sharing my story, I hope to provide others who are seeking a more holistic solution for their overall wellness and offer alternative options for optimal health.