Royalty Stone Inc in Barrie
On September 01 at 4:10 PM
Royalty Stone in Barrie wish you and yours a Safe & Happy Labour Day Long Weekend!

Royalty Stone Inc in Barrie
On August 16 at 6:17 PM
Royalty Stone in Barrie thanks you all for Shopping, Eating & Enjoying LOCALLY!

Royalty Stone Inc in Barrie
On August 01 at 6:48 PM
Royalty Stone in Barrie will be CLOSED on Monday, Aug. 5th to celebrate the Civic Holiday.
Resuming regular hours on Tuesday, Aug.6th

We hope you all have a Safe & Happy Civic Holiday Long Weekend!

Royalty Stone Inc in Barrie
On July 01 at 3:59 PM
Do you smell that? It's time to break out the barbecue for another year! Happy Canada Day to you -- may it be a fun and delicious one!

Happy Canada Day!

From your friends at Royalty Stone in Barrie.

Royalty Stone Inc in Barrie
On June 20 at 6:25 PM
Happy 1st Day of Summer!

Why Is It Called a “Solstice?"
During a year, the subsolar point—the spot on the Earth's surface directly beneath the Sun—slowly moves along a north-south axis. Having reached its southernmost point at the December solstice, it stops and starts moving northward until it crosses the equator on the day of the March equinox. At the June solstice, which marks the northernmost point of its journey, it stops again to start its journey back toward the south.

This is how the solstices got their name: the term comes from the Latin words sol and sistere, meaning “Sun" and “to stand still".


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