Slickers Salon

9 years ago

3 years later i returned after my last visit here to try to find a new hairdresser and huge HUGE let down. $50.00 i did not get my hair washed as i use a treatment shampoo at home. I got my already dry hair blow dried lol yeah i know what you are thinking. My cut was suppose to be styled but honestly all i got was a trim. The stylist thought it was a great cut and "style"!! Lol So,i got my dry hair cut, my dry hair blow dried and, paid $50.00. I wanted to ask her to fix it but i was honest to goodness scared!! At the cash register I asked if I still had to pay for a shampoo that I didn't get. Her coworker replied very rudely " you pay for the service whether you take it or not and walked away. Friendly soul she was, NOT!

Elisabeth Ashe
13 years ago

Finally a salon who gets it right every single time! Between Charlie and Devyn I am sure of a perfect cut and color. Charlie is great with color and it never turns orange anymore the way it has in the past with other stylists. Devyn specializes in up-dos - I was thrilled with the way she did my hair for my wedding last summer . Great salon, excellent results