Turf King - Orillia & Area in Orillia
On October 26 at 10:13 AM
As the weather begins to cool, your lawn will slow its top growth while the roots will continue to actively grow. A fall fertilizer application should be applied at the right time, when the plants are still absorbing nutrients. If the ground is frozen or the grass has stopped growing, it is too late. Feeding your lawn in the fall is crucial. Schedule your fall lawn fertilizer treatment in Orillia or Muskoka with Turf King!


Turf King - Orillia & Area in Orillia
On October 26 at 10:13 AM
As the weather begins to cool, your lawn will slow its top growth while the roots will continue to actively grow. A fall fertilizer application should be applied at the right time, when the plants are still absorbing nutrients. If the ground is frozen or the grass has stopped growing, it is too late. Feeding your lawn in the fall is crucial. Schedule your fall lawn fertilizer treatment in Orillia or Muskoka with Turf King!


Turf King - Orillia & Area in Orillia
On October 18 at 12:00 PM
Quick tip from the Turf King! If you don't rake the leaves from your lawn it will be smothered in a thick layer of unshredded leaves. The leaves will become matted down and in the spring will keep new grass blades from emerging! Rake your leaves this season to ensure a greener lawn in the spring! www.TurfKingOrillia.com

Turf King - Orillia & Area in Orillia
On October 18 at 12:00 PM
Quick tip from the Turf King! If you don't rake the leaves from your lawn it will be smothered in a thick layer of unshredded leaves. The leaves will become matted down and in the spring will keep new grass blades from emerging! Rake your leaves this season to ensure a greener lawn in the spring! www.TurfKingOrillia.com

Turf King - Orillia & Area in Orillia
On September 22 at 5:06 PM
Tent Caterpillars create nests and destroy your foliage! If you have Tent Caterpillars taking over your trees contact Turf King in Orillia, we will take care of your caterpillar problem and save your trees!


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