A deficiency in #selenium could play a role in #sleep disruptions. It's also critical for your #immune system function and #thyroid function. Great sources are Brazil nuts, sunflower seeds, beef, oysters, chicken, and cremini mushrooms according to Mind Body Green. Visit https://uniquesleep.ca/tailored-mattresses.php to get more information on our #custom #tailored #mattress made to fit you and your person.
What is Oneirology? There is a #science dedicated to the study of dreams called #Oneirology. Not to confuse with dream interpretation, Oneirology is the scientific study of how #dreams correlate with important #brain functions or in other words why we dream and how we dream. Visit https://uniquesleep.ca/tailored-mattresses.php to get more information on our #custom #tailored #mattress made to fit you and your person.
#Innerspring mattresses are sold the most, accounting for an estimated 80% of mattress sales. But they also have the lowest overall #satisfaction ratings according to Sleep Like the Dead. Visit https://uniquesleep.ca/tailored-mattresses.php to get more information on our #custom #tailored #mattress made to fit you and your person.
Don't wear your boots to bed in Tulsa! I wonder what made lawmakers back in the day feel this law was necessary? Tulsa, Oklahoma has a law that prohibits people from #sleeping while wearing #boots. However, wearing shoes to #bed is perfectly acceptable according to Manifattura Faloma. Visit https://uniquesleep.ca/tailored-mattresses.php to get more information on our #custom #tailored #mattress made to fit you and your person.